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Explore the interrelationship of humans and wildlife with the land at Gwynns Falls Park. An emphasis on the concepts of habitat (food, water, shelter, space). This includes foraging for food, household needs, and drawing on the energy of the land and water for survival. Tour the Orianda Mansion, a waterwheel, a stone root cellar, and a community green space for honoring indigenous peoples.

Student Activities (optional):

Additional Resources:

Pre-visit Videos. Have your class watch at least one video tour from the program of your choice.  Students should generate questions, which need to be sent to the Carrie Murray guide before the live chat. 








Virtual - Food


Explore human and wildlife food resources through a root cellar, foraging, and more!

Virtual - Water


Explore the wonderful world of water at the stream and waterwheel. We discuss our watershed, how water is used, and the home it provides. 

Virtual - Shelter




Join us to discover historical structures found throughout the park and explore the places that our wildlife call home!

Virtual - Space


We take a trip to a space used to honor indeginous peoples. We discuss the sense of peace it brings along with how the space is used by our local wildlife.

Sound Mapping

Sound Mapping

Dream Home

Dream Home

Nature Journal

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