Rehoming an Animal
**Carrie Murray Nature Center cannot accept pets in need of rehoming. Please do NOT bring pets to the Nature Center to surrender.**
I need to find a new home for my pet. How can I do that?
If in Baltimore City:
The Maryland SPCA offers resources that can help you keep your pet if you are being forced to surrender them by unforseen circumstances, as well as resources for rehoming. Read more at this link.
Contact Baltimore Animal Rescue and Care Shelter (BARCS) at 410-396-4695 for assistance, or view rehoming resources on their website here.
If in Baltimore County:
Contact Baltimore County Animal Services at 410-877-7297 for assistance.
Baltimore County Government resources for rehoming your pet can be found at this link.
If you are rehoming a turtle or tortoise:
One great resource for rehoming turtles and tortoises is the Mid-Atlantic Turtle and Tortoise Society. You can read more about their work and the resources they offer at this link.
Please note that MATTS is often at capacity for red-eared sliders. If you are seeking to rehome a red-eared slider, you can still call them for guidance.
Other tips:
If you are rehoming an exotic species (reptiles, amphibians, invertebrates etc.), search the internet for rescues that specifically focus on or accept your type of pet. Call the rescue to inquire as to their availability to accept your surrendered species.
If you can house your pet until you find them a home, try online forums or to connect with homes looking to adopt.
Considering purchasing an exotic pet?
Please carefully review this information before making your decision.
CMNC strongly discourages the purchase of exotic wildlife due to abuse of sold animals, harm to wild populations of threatened species, and the spread of zoonotic disease.
Thank you for rehoming responsibly!